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Urban Tree Protection

Urban Tree Protection


The complete prevention and cure for stressed urban trees

The Problem

Tree pits in streets collect litter, create trip hazards and suffer from compaction in addition to attracting weed growth.

The Solution

Baseguard allows water and nutrients through its porous structure to the roots below, negating the issues associated with compaction. Tree wells are often choked with leaves, cigarette ends and other unsightly debris. The issue is further compounded when the pit is fitted with an iron grille, making litter removal particularly difficult. Baseguard fills these voids and can even be retrofitted around an existing grille.

Baseguard can also be used around trees and posts in turf to eliminate the need for strimming and spraying, saving considerable time and cost over the course of a growing season. Flexing as the tree grows, it’s a long-term solution to a long-term problem.

Call us today for a free no-obligation quote.

  • Tree Protection
  • Rings and Wells
  • Long-term Solution
  • Time Saving

Safeguard your urban trees. 

Complete Weed Control have worked with The FA
Complete Weed Control have worked with London City
Complete Weed Control have worked with Wembley
Complete Weed Control have worked with Ikea
Complete Weed Control have worked with Center Parcs
Complete Weed Control have worked with Derby County Football Club
Complete Weed Control have worked with the Univercity of Cambridge
Complete Weed Control have worked with the Ryder Cup
Complete Weed Control have worked with Legoland
Complete Weed Control have worked with Wentworth
Complete Weed Control have worked with Leeds United AFC
Complete Weed Control have worked with Northumberland County Council
Complete Weed Control have worked with Murrayfield

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As one of the leading weed control specialists, we offer a comprehensive range of commercial weed control services, including aquatic, grass, moss and algae, and Japanese knotweed removal.

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Weed Control


Winter Maintenance


Invasive Control


Moss Control


Grounds Maintenance

